Coalition for all Polish production in offshore wind farm sector

On September 11, 2017, during Baltexpo trade fairs, the intention letter that established a consortium to create a solely Polish fabricated and manufactured, fully-equipped transformer substation that is going to be located on the offshore wind farm, has been signed. The idea behind the consortium is to be able to supply technically advanced, fully outfitted product to be built solely by Polish fabricators and equipment suppliers. So far Polish companies have been only acting as subcontractors fabricating such substations for Western European or Nordic main contractors and integrators.
The signatories of the letter of intent are as follows:
– Activ Sp. z o.o. – turn-key deliveries in interriors outfitting
– Ciecholewski-Wentylacje – HVAC equipment manufacturer
– Enamor – maritime communication systems provider
– Famor – maritime lighting systems manufacturer
– GSG Towers – fabricator of offshore wind farm structures and offshore wind turbine towers
– Lotos Serwis – provider of piping installations
– MPL Techma – manufacturer of advanced industrial automation systems
– Protea – manufacturer of advanced crane and lifting solutions.
All parties have been involved in offshore wind farm projects for years and have developed significant experience, design, engineering and manufacturing resources.
The consortium initiated by the letter of intent signed during Baltexpo 2017 aims at developing a market ready product, initiating efforts towards “polonisation” of supply chain for prospective Polish offshore wind farms and spreading information on production capabilities of signatory companies.
Polish offshore wind farms nearing the stage of project execution are excellent background for strengthening co-operation contacts and jointly developing a product based on competence and capabilities in hand.
rel, PBS